Meet the Team
CPS children: Acorns is part of CPS Early Years phase with an overarching EYFS Lead Teacher. Learning opportunities are planned across the phase albeit at different levels and with slightly different focus points for Red, Blue and Reception children. The team take advantage of opportunities to mix eg Chinese New Year where Reception children and Acorns worked collaboratively. As part of our transition schedule for Blue Acorns, there are times when the children explore and interact within the EYFS playground and classrooms with our Reception children. Having access to older children across the school has so many benefits for our youngest in Nursery, including buddies and friendships which we hope will last a lifetime!
Although Acorns’ team are qualified and experienced, it is their passion for children and their learning which makes Acorns Nursery the special place it is. Our nursery children also have access to the wider school team, full of expertise, including a full time non-class based SENDCo, pastoral team including ELSA support and our subject specialists.
Nursery Lead
Arianne Wright
Nursery Practitioners
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If you require a paper copy, please telephone the School Office on 01372 465348.
The links below have useful information about FEET and 30 hours funding.