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Friends of Claygate Primary School

Friends of Claygate Primary School is a registered charity which was established in 2017.

The background to the Friends is that, in common with many schools, Claygate Primary School is under extreme funding pressure and we are finding it increasingly challenging to maintain the resources needed to keep education at the school up to the standards that parents have, quite rightly, come to expect. This has led to a careful review of income and expenditure but, despite cost cutting, the school needs additional income in order to avoid further reductions in resources and staffing which would inevitably impact on the education of our pupils.

We are therefore hoping that most parents will feel able to make a regular contribution to the Friends to fund this gap. The contribution is entirely voluntary and the amount is at your discretion, but, for your guidance, an amount of £15 or more each month for each child at the school would enable the Friends to support the school’s resources to the level we believe is needed.

If you do wish to contribute please complete the form below.  If you are a taxpayer please also consider completing the Gift Aid declaration which enables the Friends to claim an additional 25% of your donation from HMRC, and may also enable you to claim additional tax relief for the voluntary contributions made if you complete a tax return. Please only complete the declaration if you are a UK taxpayer.

With many thanks in advance for your support.

Here is a link to access our online donation form: CAF donations

The contributions from parents are making a significant difference :

In 2023-2024  it has enabled the school to purchase:

  • New smartboards for 6 classrooms
  • Expansion of the Accelerated reader, Little Wandle Phonics and Voice 21 programmes
  • Themed displays in the corridors and the Hall

In 2024-25, plans are in place to deliver:

  • Smartboards for 3 more classrooms

  • £15,000 to kick start a project to ‘fix the field’

  • Annual subscriptions to Accelerated Reader, Little Wandle, Phonics and more

  • Support for gardening activities to enhance the science curriculum across the school.